Sunday, March 1, 2015

This is why I teach

I had an interesting experience the other day that made me both sad and glad at the same time: One of my students from last year came to my room, he was crying and couldn't tell me why but just nodded when I asked him if he needed to stay with me for a few minutes and then he went and sat at my desk. My 7th grade students had an exam that day so I reviewed with them, passed out tests and pencils and started them working. I went to talk to my former student, first asking who his teacher is and calling her to let her know he was with me and needed some time. He proceeded to tell me he was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed with athletics, academics (all Pre-AP classes) and home life, he continued to cry. I hugged him and patted his head and told him it was okay to feel that way and I told him about how I struggle sometimes with those same feelings and we discussed ways he could deal with how he felt and the stress in his life and how sometimes just talking about it helps lift the burden. I checked on my students who were testing and answered their questions through all of this while still being there for my student who needed me. When he and I wrapped  up our conversation I reminded him how wonderful he is and how loved he is. He wiped his tears and told me thank you and he loved me (in a mom kind of way) I told him I loved him back (in a mom kind of way) and we both giggled and I wrote him a pass and he went to class. I then saw him after school in another teacher's class for tutoring laughing with his friends and he gave me a "thumbs up" I was so sad by his tears and his pain, because I truly do care about him because sometimes our students become like our personal children. I am glad though that I was there, that I am there every day letting the kids know that I care and I feel that they are important. I not only showed him that I cared that day but I also showed the class of 27 who were there that day to witness the interaction between us. I hope I can always continue to be there for the students when they need someone to care about them, because that is why I teach.